Saturday, November 25, 2006

First Blog Ever

Well then. The first post is a bit overwhelming. So many options. Where to begin? I guess I'll start by saying I'm a complete novice when it comes to the world of blogging. I can't say that I've even read someone else's blog. I just started this because I have a slow as molasses phone modem and a new digital camera and the photo files are so large that it takes a whole day to send one photo of Jackson out. The little dude is so cute, one photo just doesn't cut the mustard. So, I figured that maybe this blogging thing could streamline my efforts a little more. Let's see how long it takes me to post this first photo... Cool! It only took a minute. It's on folks. I am officially doing this blog thing!

I just love this photo of Jackson having his first ice cream cone. I've already sent this out, but the expression on his face is so perfect, I had to have this be the first photo. Props to Uncle Joel who captured this moment on Revere Beach this summer and appropriately titled the photo "Satisfaction". I must add that I took about 15 pictures during this milestone with my own camera none of which came close to demonstrating Jackson's first time ice cream cone bliss. Joel got the money shot on his first try. Thanks, man. It's definitely one of my faves.

Jackson is growing up so fast. He's talking up a storm. He has a mouthful of teeth (and he's not afraid to use them). He's starting to hang out with the big boys at get togethers. I can't believe that he's not my little baby already! It's the epitome of bittersweet.

What we have here is Jackson on his first birthday inspecting his chocolate cake. I know what you're thinking - she feeds him a bunch of junk! And - that's true (on special occasions), but I try to get some nutritious stuff in there on a regular basis too. Jackson loves his corn and grapes and mango and french fries. Hey, potatoes are veggies, right? Kinda sorta. Actually, as we speak (or as I write rather), Jackson is having cantaloupe and he had hard boiled egg whites with a slice of cheese and a little ham (which he hardly touched) for brekkie. He doesn't seem overly excited about meat. I wonder if he'll be like my godson Tyler who has been a vegetarian since he was old enough to turn his nose up at foods he didn't like. Who knows. Whatever my boy chooses, I will be supportive. I just pray that he doesn't want to join the armed forces or play extreme sports. Golf, anyone?

OK, so in keeping with my first time food theme, I thought I'd include this photo from Thanksgiving which documents Jackson's first succussful attempt at eating an apple without me cutting it up for him. I was standing in the kitchen with my friends Lima and Mary when we noticed the abandoned apple on the floor. We had a good laugh because Jackson had been aggressively determined to get a bite out of this apple and was having no luck for most of the afternoon. Needless to say, once he got it, he got it. Included below is a photo of one of said earlier attempts...

You can just see the determination on his face. I can just imagine what kind of , man my son is going to grow into by looking at his expressive face. I feel so cliche when I say my heart just fills with love when I look at him. I have discovered that's what parenthood does to you. It turns you into a walking cliche. I swore I'd never talk "baby" to my child before I ever even knew Andy. Now, I find that talking in a falsetto voice is quite the norm. It's not so bad when I'm home alone with Jackson (which is most of the time), so I forget when I'm out in public around other "normal" people and I catch myself stating the obvious in a singsongy voice ("oooh, Jackson - see the Red Truck?") Once I catch myself , I quickly look around at other adults who are typically smirking knowingly. But seriously, how can you not make a fool out of yourself when your efforts elicit a reaction like this? See what I mean? I will break into a full on dance routine to be rewarded with that smile. Can you see all the teeth? I think we're up to 11 or 12! They are just sprouting up all over.

I think it's about time that I bring this first blog ever to a close. I hope you enjoyed it and will keep reading future posts. I think I will send links out whenever I make a new post. I just realized that the name of my blog is Island Mama, yet I didn't include any islandy pictures to support that, so here are a couple to hold you over until your next visit to the Caribbean.

Yes, this is a real photo. I took it during an amazing sunset at Magen's Bay after I got off work a couple of weeks ago.

Finally, we see Nature Boy basking in the tropical sun. Aaah, youth.
Thanks for reading everyone. Wiss miss and love you all! Don't be strangers. Drop up a line soon.